MASKIN (the machine) documents the artistic research processes of SYNSMASKINEN in various ways. The content of the machine is organised by a list of tags, that filters the entries. By clicking a tag, its possible to access the documents according to their content or by their contributors.

The first layer of tags consist of the titles of the ongoing projects.

The second layer of tags consist of all participants names.

The third layer of tags is thematic. Various themes and issues that emerge in the research projects, tags the documents and can be used to filter the content. These thematic #tags also exists as so-called STOCK-CHARACTERS, that in various ways infiltrates the research and the resulting art-works.

The fourth layer of tags are systemic. They all refer to the internal dialogues and discussions on the system and process of SYNSMASKINEN itself.

● 28/04/2016

The DarkPools-research-group consist of Cristina Gómez Barrio and Wolfgang Mayer (Discoteca Flaming Star), Benedicte Clementsen and Frans Jacobi.

● 10/12/2015

Collaboration and artistic authorship

● 12/12/2015

Minutes from workshop Saturday Dec 12th, 2015. Present: Frans, Benedicte, Cristina, Kjersti, Thomas, Åse. (Only the parts discussing collaboration and authorship are taken minutes from)